Bill Jones began exercising about 15 years ago when he weighed 300 lbs. A coworker mentioned that he was going to the YMCA one day, invited Bill, and that’s when he began walking the track. After just six months, he had already lost 80 lbs and was encouraged to keep the momentum going, so he signed up to run the BolderBoulder 10k. Since then, he’s completed 4 Ironman triathlons and 16 marathons!

In this episode, Bill and I talk about him being so focused on work instead of himself is what led to him being 300 lbs. But he was able to overcome that by doing what many thought was not possible. Now he schedules runs during the week, sometime even during the day if he’s going to have to stay late during busy season. He also encourages everyone to find what gives them that release from work and talk about it with others in the office. “Share your passion. People will support you in ways you never imagined.”