Mark Wickersham started cycling in his early 20’s after a friend lent him a bicycle. He had grown up orienteering but experienced some knee problems in his late teens, so cycling was a nice alternative to feed his addiction to exercise. He soon bought his own bicycle and joined a cycling club for accountability. Since then, he’s ridden across northern France, and done some of the Tour de France sections of the Alps and Pyrenees.

In this episode, Mark and I talk about how cycling is a “significant part of my business because that’s where I do my best thinking.” He’s able to switch off from work and allow thoughts to come to him. This wasn’t always the case but as Mark’s career progressed and he started his own firm, he began to realize how important cycling was to his business. So much so that he got more confident in sharing it with potential clients and even bringing his bike on stage with him when he speaks.