Josh Lance started making shiraz and zinfandel wines with a friend several years ago. He found that the process was very similar to accounting, in that the process is very detail-oriented and there’s a fair amount of math. Unfortunately, you can’t really taste the fruits of your labor for 1-2 years while the wine ferments. In the meantime, he realized he could home brew beer that had a much shorter wait time, so he began to explore that as well.

In this episode, Josh and I talk about how this passion allowed him to quickly develop a client niche. He’s as excited about their business as his clients are, so it makes going to work much more enjoyable. He also created his own firm four years ago with a group of other young parents who appreciate flexible schedules. Josh also feels that it’s important they have passions outside of work, adding, “While we might be good at it, we are all much more than just accountants!”