Arthur's editorial team are back and bedraggled, having spent the weekend packin' the shack and the better part of the week paying far too close attention to Peterborough City Hall. However, the news waits for no mere man, and so long as the busses keep runnin' and the river don't rise, our editors will be here to heed their divinely-ordained compulsion to disseminate the news.

Now, back in the hot seat, they're here to debrief the weekend's transit negotiations and the narrowly avoided ATU Local 1320 strike.

In other news, Trent is getting a new college, amongst other things! The editors discuss Gidigaa Migizi college, Trent's varsity volleyball home-opener, and the perennial favourite, The Game of Life.

ALSO: Arthur's AGM is this week! Come if you can! It's a great way to engage with the paper (and get free food to boot). Fri. Nov. 24th at 5:00PM in the Sadleir House Lecture Hall.


Radio Free Arthur broadcasts live on Wednesdays @ 12PM through the facilities of Trent Radio - 92.7 CFFF FM in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong and online at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Arthur Newspaper has been Trent University's Radical Independent Student and Community Press since 1966. You can reach the Editors at [email protected]. Keep up to date on local Peterborough news by regularly checking our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

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