With Sebastian off on a busman’s holiday to Québec, Co-editors, Abbigale Kernya and Evan Robins come to you live from a cabin in the woods where they give you a rundown on new articles from Arthur journalists and discuss an odd looking book found in said cabin. 

In other news, the two discuss University of Ottawa’s radio station, CHUO, who has recently had their $4 levy fee defunded in a controversial referendum brought forth by a singular UOttawa student. 

Tune in for a breakdown of inconsistencies of the referendum, student union inaction, levy solidarity, and the importance of speaking up against injustices on campus.


Radio Free Arthur broadcasts live on Wednesdays @ 12PM through the facilities of Trent Radio - 92.7 CFFF FM in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong and online at www.trentradio.ca

Arthur Newspaper has been Trent University's Radical Independent Student and Community Press since 1966. You can reach the Editors at [email protected]. Keep up to date on local Peterborough news by regularly checking our website at www.trentarthur.ca.

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