With one Editor out of commission due to exposure, the remaining Arthur Editors, Abbigale Kernya and Evan Robins, discuss the past week in Peterborough news as Arthur returns to the airwaves.

In this episode, we discuss the recent Peterborough Pride Week and the growing movement of hate being directed toward queer and trans communities and children across Canada and the United States and how this impacts people at the local level.

Also on the docket are discussions of recent Peterborough Transit improvements including increased funding and directives for staff to plan for more hires for the 2024 budget.


Radio Free Arthur broadcasts live on Wednesdays @ 12PM through the facilities of Trent Radio - 92.7 CFFF FM in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong and online at www.trentradio.ca

Arthur Newspaper has been Trent University's Radical Independent Student and Community Press since 1966. You can reach the Editors at [email protected]. Keep up to date on local Peterborough news by regularly checking our website at www.trentarthur.ca.