Growing Pains is an Arthur Newspaper podcast about the corporatization of Trent University and how it affects students, faculty, and the community in which our university lies. We want to tell you the story of how this small, collegial, liberal arts university has grown into something else… something perhaps unrecognizable from its original form.

In this episode, 'Bleeding Green', we unpack Trent's Cleantech Commons development project and how it typifies the marriage between academy and industry on our campus. We sit down with former Cultural Studies professor, Andrew Wernick, to talk about the promotional university, and the project of branding. We also chat with Cleantech Executive Director, Martin Yuill, about what it means to attract the right kind of business. Ultimately, we explain how and why Peterborough's most wealthy have their hands in Trent Lands. 

Growing Pains graphic: Cameron Noble.

Music: Sportsman Lucifer

Writing/Editing/Voice: Nick Taylor & Brazil Gaffney-Knox