Warning: this episode was written and produced by disturbingly caffeinated people, and it shows.


Haikus about the weather: this one is sad!

COVID-19 Update: Second Wave, baby! We talk about how people responded to our COVID instagram polls and whether y'all are feeling the PANIC!

The Speech from the Throne: We chat about the GG's throne speech and its wider political implications. Where do the other parties stand? And why can't JT and the crew ever make any concrete policy commitments?

Green Party Nom Drom: We cover the recent controversy in the Green Party Leadership race as Eco-Socialist Meryam Haddad was ousted and reinstated all in the span of a week. 

City Council: We highlight the most recent goings on at City Council aka a heaping pile of confusion! Transit! the Opioid Crisis! What are our elected officials doing?!

Opinions: Medium spice. 

The Arthur Literary Review: We hit some highlights of Dante Pettapiece's first instalment of The Arthur Literary Review where he profiles Daddy by Emma Cline. 

Horoscopes: As always, courtesy of @poetastrologers on twitter!

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