Do you have an empowering life story that you are just dying to share with others??? Lorie Gelsheimer's podcast does just that! She shares empowering stories and wisdom related to intuition, modern witchcraft, strengths of an empath, modern spirituality, synchronicity, and other uplifting woo experiences.


More About Lorie 

Lorie graduated from a two-year radio broadcasting program with two awards and went on to become a video producer to promote businesses online. Along the way she witnessed miracles and synchronicities in her life that led her to receive a download of empowering of wise messages while she was sleeping that she shares along with her inspiring stories in her book, Listen with Lorie Empowering Life Stories. She is now a podcast host of Listen with Lorie Empowering Life stories, where guests share empowering stories and wisdom related to developing our intuition, modern witchcraft, the strengths of an empath, modern spirituality, sychronicity and other uplifting woo experiences. To listen to Lorie's podcast, choose a channel at

Where to find Lorie? 
Instagram: @listenwithlorie
Amazon: “BeYOUtiful Rooms to Bloom Your Most Fun, Free & Fulfilling Life” by Lorie Gelsheimer

Where to listen to her podcast?
1: Apple

2: Spotify:

3: Google: — with Lorie Gelsheimer

Other Mentions:
Lorie is in the process of creating a talk show on Youtube where she brings in two or three previous guests from her podcast to have conversations about the unique ways they have discovered to feel more peaceful and fulfilled with their lives.

This is a Juliana Pedri Productions

Thinking about starting your own podcast? Or you need help managing your pod? Take a break and I take care of your podcast for you! All you have to do is send raw files and I can do the rest!