Our hearts are with Ukraine. The situation is incomprehensibly horrific. As the world watches, many of us feel helpless. There's a ton of confusion around what it means to be a passive observer. Even if you wanted to help, could you? What would that look like? Is there any way to support Ukrainians in their time of urgent need beyond memes, hashtags, and profile pictures of blue and yellow flags? Tommy and Al spent the last day scanning civil society, journalism, news media, not-for-profit, and academic sources to find three ways that you can help. We hope that you'll find that donating, combatting disinformation, and connecting your neighbours will bring you a bit closer to helping those who desperately need the world to step up. 

In this episode, we mention numerous charity organizations, reliable news sources, and credible journalists that we encourage you to connect with. Please take a moment this weekend to learn more about them. This listed is definitely not exhaustive. Let's keep expanding it together, friends.

Charitable Organizations

The Canada-Ukraine Foundation- a Toronto-based group that co-ordinates charitable aid for Ukraine

Doctors Without Borders- a humanitarian group that is currently mobilizing an emergency-preparedness response plan to ensure that access to health care and medicine are available to Ukrainians

Save the Children- an international NGO delivering emergency aide to Ukrainian families

Voices of Children- offers psychological support to kids affected by the war in Ukraine

Phoenix Wings - supplies the Ukrainian army with medical treatment and defensive equipment like vests and helmets

Shelter Ugolyok - an animal rescue and farm sanctuary in Ukraine, an incredibly important organization with a personal connection to Tommy's family

Outright Action International - protects marginalized BIPOC and LGBQT2+ community members, which is particularly important given Putin's legacy of antihomophobic violence


Credible Journalists

Olga Tokariuk, Sarah Rainsford, Christopher Miller, Olga Rudenko


Credible, Local News Sources

The Kyiv Independent, The New Voice of Ukraine, Ukraine World, Kyiv Post


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