Tobin Ott was a voice you knew right here in Central Illinois. Hosting shows and giving you the news on WSMI. Eight years ago, an amazing and life changing offer for his family came for his wife, and they moved to Florida, to work at Walt Disney World. A dream they had to pursue, and a dream they continue to live.

Watch or Listen as Tobin tells us about his time growing up in Staunton, being a Jazz Radio DJ, a 15 year journey with WSMI, being the voice of the Toppers, their Disney lives, and adopting a son. Oh, and he also spills the details on his recent trip to attend a taping of "The Price is Right".

After all that, his tale of a wedding day prank will have you on the floor. What's That Like? is available on YouTube, as well as all major audio podcast providers.

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Copyright 2024 - What's That Like? Podcast with John Knowles