Brad Skertich was a kid like any other, growing up in the 80s, riding bikes, and playing sports with his friends.   But in 1993, he and his 1993 Staunton Bulldog teammates, pulled of a Cinderella/Hoosiers IHSA State Championship run that eventually lands the team in the Illinois Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame.   

Relive the emotion and the untold stories.   We go way beyond the games and the stats, and dig into:

the emotions as it happened, the steady and caring hand of Coach Randy Legendre, what it meant to Staunton and what it still means, how thier parents prepped them to get there, and what the team all went on to become.

We also dive into Brad today.   The challenges of running one of the largest school districts in MetroEast Illinois.   How growing up a "principal's kid", affects being the parent of a "superintendent's kid", and we make poke a bit of fun at a regular guest of WTL. 

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