It's "What's Pissing YOU Off Wednesday for 3/24/2021 at the McTaggart Attack Podcast!

I reacted to the following contributions from Twitter and Facebook:

I’m pissed off that I’m so angry all the time! And what’s it to ya?

I'll tell you what has me boiling.  They call this the "cancel culture" but I feel like it's more of a "finger pointing frenzy".  When something happens that needs addressing, rather than solutions, the first thing our culture seems to want to do is point fingers.  STOP IT!

I am pissed off that our town has a massive addictions problem and no one in politics around here cares at all. We have about 3 dead a week from ODs. I have proposed so many times how to fix it with our health care system, but have had no response for the past two years. Confused face

Scalpers in the Pokémon card community. Alabama not passing the bill to make gambling legal and bring the lottery here.

Gas prices rose 70 cents a gallon in the past two weeks.

Florida THC cap that moved through the House and on its way to Senate.  Utter BS when voters made clear medical marijuana and doctors can prescribe low THC currently.

That my cat has had "the crazies" almost every night now for about 3 months, after finally moving into a safe, healthy, new home. At 3am he begins zip-zooming bk & forth through the house, then caterwauling LOUDLY when he stops (for about 10 minutes). Face with rolling eyes  

Ryan Kenyon
I’ve been holding this in forever but now is a better time then ever to express how pissed off I am that they have yet to make a sequel to Dunkirk !

Email: [email protected]

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