Previous Episode: I Am Not A Liberal!

What's pissing YOU off Wednesday 3/10/2021

Here are the people and their suggested rants for this episode of the McTaggart Attack Podcast:

Hammer Toss  (YouTube)
What is it good luck for picking up a penny tails up or heads up?   One of them is also bad luck, fact!

Insurance company owes me $2,000 and they won't return my calls. Fucking bastards.

How politicians and weathermen can lie in their jobs every day and still get paid.

The state of Texas and Florida

Our climate of manufactured outrage by both parties. Can I get me some discernment?

Bath towels upset me. 

They all look and feel fluffy but you never know if the towel will absorb moisture or just move water around your body.

The fact that you are not a liberal.....We are gay remember?! Conservatives gave us nothing but heartache and the [prison known as the closet. We liberals made us from 2nd class citizens to 1st class

the word "Reimagined"

I'm pissed off at 'having' to be black! I'm mixed raced, and was brought up by my white mother. My black father ran away back to Africa. My culture, education, family and environment was predominantly white. Why am expected to think and act as if I am 'all black"?

Pooled Employer Plans won’t be the game changer the 401k industry hopes for.
Tried to be as obscure and specific as possible for ya. You’re welcome Winking face

What pisses me off is Literally giving everything to someone and in the end you find out you were never enough... 

People saying “I mean” unnecessarily at the start of a sentence.

Tiktoks community guidelines

GOP controlled states passing laws designed to suppress voting.

Lesley Zebrowitz
They re-did "specials" at my kid's school (PE, art, etc.) so that kids do the same thing back to back and rotate, instead of rotating daily. I have no idea why. The teacher sent a color coded chart of which day they have which class and it makes NO sense. I gave up trying to figure out which shade of orange/red each day was and just wait for them to tell us. I mean, if they go in order, just say today is special #1 and so is tomorrow. Then 2, 3, 4, etc. I can count. But trying to color-coordinate is unnecessarily difficult.

Mike Gray
I hate seeing headlines like "You need to stop what you're doing and watch the best most epic ____ movie streaming on ____ right now!"
Do I? Do I really need to?

Steve Dodge
The word bipartisan pisses me off. I’m sick of hearing it cuz it ain’t gonna happen.

Ben Davis

Harry Kendrick
Reporters at press conferences who repeat questions that have already been answered by the person giving the press conference. I guess they can write but they don’t listen.

Email: [email protected]

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