It's What's Pissing You Off Wednesday! Where Kevin McTaggart, the angriest comic in Vermont, rants about what's pissing YOU off! Here are this week's topics:

The Bob Ross Documentary!

Getting Passed Between The ER & PCP!

Needle Caps In Public Areas!

Denny's in West Lebanon, NH!

The 'Reply All' Button!

Smart Ass Responses On Twitter!

New Intern Keeps Facetiming You!

Drivers That Get Mad At You For Passing Them!

The "Get In The Hole" Guy!



If you're pissed off about something and would like to contribute to this podcast, here are some ways you can do it:


You can comment on Facebook or Twitter(@mctaggartattack) when I post "What's pissing you off today?"

You can comment on the YouTube link of a podcast episode.

You can click here

You can email me [email protected]

Or you can say it to my face!