Next Episode: Boobs Not Allowed

Mark & Wes in Oakland, CA at Sura Korean restaurant.

Sites of Interest:

Information about Carpal Tunnel syndrome. Article that claims mice are more the cause than keyboards. Catalog of weird types of keyboards for people who do have this.Mark bought this vibrating Wake UP alarm which alerts you if your head nods forward while driving or in a movie. He bought it from an English language website in Korea which took an American credit card and shipped the item quickly. There is no link directly to the item, so go here and in the Title box search on exactly this string, including the brackets: [ICONIC] Wake UpHistory of Unisys, a union of Burroughs and Sperry Rand. The old Univac computers are in that timeline, long before the merger.The Mojave Experiment: Microsoft punks users to show people like Vista.How to control your humpy thing.Mark liked the movie My Bloody Valentine 3D.Watch all the episodes of the cult classic TV show The Prisoner for freeeeeeee, and read about the remake.Download movies very cheaply in various formats.Website that helps you sneak into multiple movies in a multiplex.

Wes' iPhone Applications of the week:

Find an Apartment -- Lets you search Craigslist, Google Base, and more for apartments.Gym Buddy -- Keeps a record of your workouts. .

Mark's iPhone Applications of the week:

iBurp On Your Fart Ahhhh -- Select burp, fart, and relief noises, all in one app!Byline -- RSS reader that does two-way syncing with Google Reader.