Previous Episode: Kips cooks with Gas

Mark & Wes, in Rheem, CA at Tamamis

This show was recorded using Mark's lapel microphones. For whatever reason, you can hear us eat and chew and slurp in high detail. In the show, Mark and Wes ramble a lot about Apple's new updates to certain products, iTunes 8.0, 2.1 firmware iTouch & iPhone update, Nano's potential 508 compliance for sight-impaired users. Mark explains how 'location over Wi-Fi' works, and how people have to drive all over the place to map the Wi-Fi locations. Wes thinks he caused his Wi-Fi to be added by doing something to trigger the location on his iTouch, but Mark is skeptical. What is the deal with the Genius feature of iTunes? Wes can't tell if it actually finds matching songs, and Mark isn't very interested in the feature unless it works with banjo and pipe organ music. Wes has a good way to look for new applications for your iPhone or iTouch, and explains how to do this. Did the 2.1 firmware fix your application crashing problems?

Sites of Interest:

The Homebrew Computer Club.Apple's announcements of September 9, 2008. (Mark is happy, the new 2.1 firmware did fix his problems with iPhone applications.)Rockbox has alternative firmware for iPods and other MP3 players.The new iPod Nano's have speech for blind users.The new iPod Touch models don't have a microphone, but the headset port now supports headsets with a microphone.Microsoft Location Finder tries to locate your PC using the Wi-Fi access points near you.Skyhook Wireless also has a browser-based location service using Wi-Fi.Navizon is yet another Wi-Fi location service, but pays Windows Mobile users to help them build their database. Mark's information was old; they now pay the big points only if you find cell towers and access points not already reported by other users.The iPaq H4355, Wes' old Pocket PC, could use the Internet through Wi-Fi.The Pool-Playing Robot.New Xbox 360 prices, and they will act as a Netflix player. But after reading those complex instructions, Mark changed his mind and likes the simplicity of the original Roku Netflix Player because it hooks up to your TV and Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection and works standalone without needing a PC, Media Center, or anything like that.Walter T. Shaw wrote a book and is planning a movie to honor his father Walter L. Shaw, the telephony inventor. Walter T. was a master jewel thief and teaches you how to do it.The free tip calculator app for iPhone/iTouch has been fixed and no longer makes big mistakes when you ask it to round up the amounts.Mark has a Star Trek Credit Card and Wes doesn't.Years ago Mark had an Elvis Presley credit card, but the company eliminated them. In trying to find a picture of one for this podcast, he found that site showing they are available again! But the application form doesn't appear to be working at this time so maybe they aren't available after all.

Wes' iTouch Application of the week:

Beat Creator

Mark's iPhone Application of the week:

Face Melter