Previous Episode: Shit Wes' Dad Says
Next Episode: Mark's iPhone Attacks!

Mark and  Wes at the Le Chaval restaurant in Walnut Creek CA

Sites of interest:

David Pogue on how the Motorola Droid is a "manly" phoneApple tablet rumors againHow to build a HackintoshApple Mac OSx updates flipflop on support for Atom processor and Layar app layerAcer Liquid handheld with Android OS 1.6Second Canadian cellphone carrier gets iPhone, but has to switch to GSM to do it.Microsoft will drop Spot watch technology in 2012inPulse SmartWatch for BlackberryThis is probably the digital ink watch Wes was talking aboutUS losing domain name registry and non English characters for domain namesThe Motoroa Droid in the U.S. doesn't do multi-touchHybrid cars in 1901! by Ferdinand PorschGood article for starting out with Google Wave, once you get your invitation code and a complete eBook reference guide.Microsoft Comic Chat stilll lives and can still be installedTypeface Inspired by Comic Books Has Become a Font of Ill Will At prankdial, you can send prank phone calls to your friends for free! Just select the type of prank, enter the victims phone number, and send away.It's very important that you get an iPhone because Blackberry, Android, and Windows Mobile can't run these apps: Metrognome, Monkey Sheep poop fight, Furious GeorgeSwine Flute, Mega Fart, Bed bug identifierNew Comcast bandwidth throttling scheme 

We had to cut off the show early at this point because the recorder battery was going dead.