Episode: The Little Guy      Current Series: Wander Over Yonder

We're joined by another guest: Morrigan Spade! She helps us through this extremely adorable and good episode as we get sidetracked only occasionally. Topics include: Buster Bluth as the Joker; There is a Highlander anime; Please drink, watch movies, and finger paint responsibly; Moose is swol; Westley is the best-ley; Honestly this show is very gif-able; Please don't drink from the ocean; The Watchdogs raise questions; Wander Over Yonder is a strange Universe; Wii-mote flashbacks; When your face is a skull, dental hygiene is important; Brian and Jordan take things seriously; Dr. Garbonzo Bean leads to a Garfield tangent; Seriously we get into Garfield: His 9 Lives quite a bit; Poor Lyman; DuckTales spoilers, but only for 2 minutes; If it has suckers, than it's a tentacle.

Next time we talk about the episodes The Bounty and The Ball.

You can follow us on Twitter @CrackenCast.

Morrigan can be found on her Twitter account, @besttransgirl, and she mentions the comic gramfel made by John Cullen.

Brian was recovering from a Netrunner tournament.

Dan can also be found on his Twitch stream Game Apartment 1C, or on Twitter @GAMEAPARTMENT1C.

Jordan talked about the Audio Entropy show All Along the Watchtower's recent bonus episode, Batman Ninja.

Our Theme Song was made by Kendall Halman. You can find more by him at his bandcamp or on his own podcast feed.

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