Listen, everyone is on edge right now. I see friends arguing, I see tides turning, I honestly see more unity now in the US than I have for the last four years. The word "Insane" has lost all meaning. I feel strange about everything and I"m in a real odd mood tonight. We got a good beer tonight, we got some dope mail tonight, I have a kick ass REALLY old RetroVape tonight. We are going to listen to some metal tonight and most of all, We are just going to hang out and be as united as we can be. I want to chill, I want to decompress and I want to have some fun.

I'm going to refrain from any sopboxing or grandstanding tonight because i'm honestly still in the watching, listening and learning stage. Listening to smarter people than myself with cooler heads than myself. I don't have any answers or "hot takes' on much right now. Other than i'm both sad and excited for the future of our country.

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