Hello and welcome!!! WELCOME AND HELLO!!!!!!

Mother trucking Thursday means mother truckcing VLOG DAY YO. I’ve got a full on action packed VLOG planned out for everyone tonight. Shout out to JMoneyLandShark for suggesting an “oops all liquid tastings” tonight. I have some mail, I have some news, I have a beer, I have a retro vape, but all I REALLY want to do tonight is some very random liquid tastings… like… a bunch of em, as many as we can.

Gate is open, come on in.

Catch me on Twitch 3 days a week

Any links mentioned in the stream will be below.

UNPAID SPONSOR: https://grimmgreenmerch.com/
High quality, independent merch shipped by me, our selection sucks but i'm trying to fix it.
PAID SPONSOR: https://thecoldestwater.com/?ref=grimmgreen
he Coldest Water - Use code "GRIMM" for 10% off
UNPAID SPONSOR: https://www.palmerspowders.com/
High quality and precise powder coating from one of the best around

The Swedish Roadmap To A Smoke Free Society
Medium- and longer-term cardiovascular effects of e-cigarettes in adults making a stop-smoking attempt: a randomized controlled trial
FDA fines four companies for selling unapproved vapes