Just so people know if you sign up for Ibex, you do NOT get access to you know nicotine, you still have to pay the 20$ - Via Josh... sorry Josh

Welcome back to Tuesday Bro NEWSDAY. New name, new hosts, same reliable news and commentary.

Every Tuesday afternoon for roughly an hour and a half, Danielle and I will be discussing the topics of the day. As well as current breaking news from the world of vaping, tobacco, nicotine and tobacco harm reduction. Let's get educated and fight the good fight together!

Today's topics include: All things nicotine. Today we are going to be giving our thoughts and reviews of the recent You Don't Know Nicotine documentary released on the IBEX platform. This is a BIG movie, with a much bigger message than just the idea that people do not know nicotine.

We are going to chat about "The Mind Study" that Dr Paul Newhouse MD is doing about Nicotine, as well as one of the best and most thorough articles written about nicotine published by Filtte rMag. It's all nicotine all the time. Love it or hate it, addiction or dependence, nicotine is here to stay. How can we pretend this isn't a human rights issue?

Links are all on GrimmGreen.com