In honor of episode thirteen, we'll be talking about unlucky grillers, grilling disasters and the dos and don'ts for safe grilling.

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In honor of episode thirteen, we’ll be talking about unlucky grillers, grilling disasters and the dos and don’ts for safe grilling.

What’s Grillin’ Podcast 013 “Grilling Goofs and the Otherwise Unlucky” Show Notes:

The 13th floor is always a little John Malkovich floor.

Special spectating guest, Brent, is a 10 year slayer.

Charpie rhymes a lot, and annoys everyone.

Joe and Charpie just drank Sapporo (Beer Advocate) with sushi and wonder why they only drink it while eating sushi.

Charpie likes Sapporo’s can because it’s big and hard.

Joe also drinks a Surly Bender (Beer Advocate).

The Surly Bill.

Guys discuss going on a Summit beer tour.

Charpie is drinking can conditioned Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (Beer Advocate), again.

Bill is drinking Lagunitas IPA (Beer Advocate), Charpie urges everyone to call the number on the six pack because you may just get their COO.

Charpie tells a great story about their Censored Beer (Beer Advocate), where they had a drug raid on the day they brewed the beer.

Charpie proclaims, “Smoking a little grass while you brew beer is just what you do in CA.”

“Producers are fat, slow, and boring,” says Bill.

What’s Happenin’

Guys didn’t watch Chopped: Grill Masters, and don’t really care.

Joe and Charpie watched the original Total Recall, then went to the new one.

Charpie’s favorite scene is when the midget stripper shoots a machine gun.

Joe likes when the midget fortune teller gets shot in the head with a machine gun at point blank range.

Everyone at our high school reunion enjoyed the appetizers vs. sit down dinner.

Brent had a really, really good 10 year high school reunion (The Slayer).

Bill caught a little Barbecue Addition, Charpie attempts to guess witch episode.

There’s some talk about cooking chicken on the Big Green Egg and the Grillery Grill.

Charpie talks about how you can hear chicken skin when it’s ready.

Bill and Charpie love massaman curry.

Joe likes curry, but doesn’t eat enough to know what his favorite is.

Charpie stunk up Joe’s house making curry lobster rolls for a minimum of five days, but Charpie’s truck stunk for a month.

Set the date for Grill-A-Thon.

4-5 years ago we decided we would like to grill better, specifically on charcoal. That’s how Grill-A-Thon was born.

Grill-A-Thon is what spawned Grilling Addiction.

Joe wants to come up with another “Big Crowd Appetizer,” and perfect a PBJ & Cheese.

Joe gets burned by the “what a dingus” button due to his “science teacher burp.”

Joe got the inspiration for PBJ & Cheese from the show “Ham on the Street” with George Duran.

Charpie plans to work on his ribs. He has never really tried to perfect his ribs.

Guys are excited to try out their Big Green Eggs at Grill-A-Thon.

Joe and Charpie are also excited to bring “Sputnik” out of storage for Grill-A-Thon and explains the origins of the mystical smoker.

Charpie talks a little about the inaugural ND BBQ Championship being held at Sickies Garage.

Joe wants to do a blueberry barbecue sauce.

What’s Grillin’

Grilling Disasters

Joe’s disasters; overcooked things, screwed things up the first or second time, burned pork at a demo in a Dutch oven.

Charpie’s first fire: threw about 50 burgers on a Weber Summit inside a screened in porch.

Charpie used match light charcoal and lighter fluid, and learned how to use a fire extinguisher.

The guys don’t think you need to oil the grates. If you do, use an onion and a BBQ fork.

Joe –“If you have a hot fire, and some ‘oil on your meat’ you don’t need to oil the grate.”

Charpie – don’t spray Pam on your grill.

Joe – don’t use any oil out of can.

Joe – fell victim to a Big Green Egg back draft.

Bill’s friend left the gas on for too long, lit his grill and burned his eyebrows.

Charpie lit a Holland grill with the lid down and the gas on and had a minor explosion.

Joe loses himself in his headphones.

Steven Raichlen’s top 10 grilling mistakes to avoid.

Never use lighter fluid on a gas grill. Over 8,000 fires are caused due to grilling, and a majority of them are from this.

Charpie’s ex-girlfriend’s brother grills burgers in the garage with all the doors and windows shut, they tasted good even though he cooked them for 30+ min.

Avoid premature saucing.

Bacon explosion causes Charpie to hurt on the inside.

Guys agree they will most likely never make the bacon explosion again.

Get good tools. Charpie says, “No plastic.”

Joe proclaims people in Rhode Island are stupid, because there were six cases of people ingesting grill brush bristles.

Don’t over pile the grill, especially with fatty foods (e.g. burgers, bacon).

Put the lid on when you have flare ups.

YouTube video of guys starting fence on fire.

Bill and his cousin Mark started a fire with a mixture of gas and oil. The flame went up into the can, and they threw it, almost starting the house on fire.

You don’t need lighter fluid, period (especially with a gas grill).

The first time Charpie grills in his dorm, he used match light with lighter fluid. Had to power through awful burgers.

Don’t cut or stab anything while it is on the grill. You will lose juices.

Get a digital thermometer.

“If it’s black on the outside that doesn’t mean it’s done. That just means you burned it.”

Quick Tips

Charpie’s quick tip: don’t grill in baggy clothes, they could catch fire.

Charpie calls Joe out for grilling barefoot and burning his feet.

Joe’s quick tip: don’t repeat yourself, try new things.

Shout Outs

New Twitter Followers!

 (Wine Restaurants)

 (Bartender’s Network)

 (Donkey Herder)

@WorldsBars (

 (Dave Coulson)

 (Fargo Beer Festival)

@HowardWinnin (BBQ & Smoker)

@spacygirl wants to compete with us in a chopped completion.

@johnkipp makes some island pork tenderloin.

Guys determine if Bill were on Chopped he’d just eat the ingredients, rather than cook them.

The post 013 – Grilling Goofs and the Otherwise Unlucky appeared first on Grilling Addiction.

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