Previous Episode: 30. WE BACK!!!!!!!!!

This week Ariel and Bryan reveal their quarantine Guilty Pleasures and as always let you in on what’s been eating them and they also dive into some Food News! Be sure to subscribe to the pod and give us a nice rating and review. Five stars please!

What’s Eating You? Instagram: @whatseatingyoupod, Twitter: @whatseatingupod

Ariel’s Instagram: @arielleaty, Twitter: @arielleaty,

Bryan’s Instagram: @bryanlyang, Twitter: @bryanyang,

What’s Eating You? is presented in partnership with Listening Party. Follow the crew on Instagram @listeningpartypresents.

Cover art by Alex Ryu, Instagram: @mralexryu, Twitter: @mralexryu

Music by Nick Trautmann, Instagram: @thetrautinator, Twitter: @thetrautinator,