Bryan and Ariel welcome their first ever Gen Z guest, comedian Ryan Roman (Hoboken Comedy Festival, Grownasskid web series) to the show. So much fun stuff on this ep including Ryan revealing how young he was when Chappelle’s Show came out which makes Bryan and Ariel feel like boomers! As always the gang chats about what’s been eating them, but Ariel adds a fun new positive twist to the segment called What’s Feeding You? After that Ryan reveals his Guilty Pleasures and we cap it all off with some Food News.

Ryan’s Instagram: @cryingroman, Twitter: @cryinroman,

What’s Eating You? Instagram: @whatseatingyoupod, Twitter: @whatseatingupod

Ariel’s Instagram: @arielleaty, Twitter: @arielleaty,

Bryan’s Instagram: @bryanlyang, Twitter: @bryanyang,

What’s Eating You? is presented in partnership with Listening Party inside Canal Street Radio. Follow the crew on Instagram @listeningpartypresents and @canalstreetmarket.

Cover art by Alex Ryu, Instagram: @mralexryu, Twitter: @mralexryu

Music by Nick Trautmann, Instagram: @thetrautinator, Twitter: @thetrautinator,