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Andrew Seaton speaks with What Matters Most podcast host Paul Samuel Dolman about Seaton's book Spiritual Awakening Made Simple.

The post Andrew Seaton #713 appeared first on Paul Samuel Dolman.

This is a beautiful conversation with guest Andrew Seaton on the nature of awareness and presence. We talk about his wonderful new book, Spiritual Awakening Made Simple: How to See Through the Mist of the Mind to the Peace of the Here and Now, plus so much more.

In His Own Words…

What ups and downs, twists and turns I have experienced in my life! From an early age, I sensed strongly that there is a deeper reality to life than appears on the surface. I tried many, many ways to find that deeper reality, but for so long it eluded me. Along the way, I’ve experienced lots of highs, but also so many difficulties and frustrations—in my varied working life, in my personal relationships, in my finances and in my efforts to find Truth, peace and contentment. Perhaps you can identify with some of those difficulties and frustrations?

For more than four decades, I delved deeply into educational philosophy and psychology; old wisdom and new science; reports of higher consciousness; and a wide range of personal development, holistic wellness and spiritual awareness practices. My working life has been quite varied, but mostly in education. I had many different roles in that field, most of them relating to education of the whole person. My PhD thesis was titled “Investing in Intelligence: An Inquiry into Educational Paradigm Change.” I came to see that in our world we are generally making some deeply flawed assumptions about knowledge, human nature and quality of life. In 2006, I resigned from a two-year stint in academia in order to focus on unlearning my education and other conditioning, and on awakening the fuller functioning that I had come to see so clearly is possible and desirable.

I have recently experienced major changes in my consciousness and way of being in the world. Throughout 2017 and 2018, I was very focused on living the insights and practices I describe in my book Spiritual Awakening Made Simple. In September of 2018, my spiritual awakening began in earnest with a beautiful dream followed by energy flows through my body.

Through my writings, talks and 1-on-1 support via video conference, I now help others to dissolve troubling thoughts and emotions, clear away the mist of the conditioned mind and awaken to their true nature as the peace-filled observing awareness beyond the mind. I speak to groups, podcasters and radio interviewers about how, contrary to popular belief and experience, spiritual awakening is both natural and achievable.”

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Read The Book That Inspires The Show

Paul Samuel Dolman, author, podcaster, and speaker, presents What Matters Most (the book!) a series of interview transcriptions from more than twenty inspirational Nashville and Tennessee residents, including special guest the journalist and author Bill Moyers.

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, former Governor Don Sundquist, Academy Award-winning actress Patricia Neal, Grammy Award-winning entertainer Wynonna Judd, and many more share intimate and inspirational aspects of themselves.

This twentieth anniversary edition also features bonus material from thirty more notables from Tennessee, including local business owners, spiritual leaders, coaches, radio personalities, authors, and educators.

The post Andrew Seaton #713 appeared first on Paul Samuel Dolman.