Happy happy, Halloween!  Halloween!  Halloween!  Happy, happy Halloween!  Silver Shamrock!  Yes kiddies, you guessed it right!  This week’s episode has Postmortem Paul reviewing one of the most polarizing films in any major franchise; HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH.  During his review, he’ll discuss some of the origins of the Halloween traditions, and about what … Continue reading What Lurks Behind… – Episode 60: Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)

Happy happy, Halloween!  Halloween!  Halloween!  Happy, happy Halloween!  Silver Shamrock!  Yes kiddies, you guessed it right!  This week’s episode has Postmortem Paul reviewing one of the most polarizing films in any major franchise; HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH.  During his review, he’ll discuss some of the origins of the Halloween traditions, and about what John Carpenter’s original vision was for the Halloween brand.  Also this week, Paul recaps a few moments from The Last Drive-In special on Shudder, the Halloween Hootenanny featuring Joe Bob Briggs and Darcy the Mail Girl.  In addition to that, some news regarding TERRIFIER 2 and Michael Dougherty’s comments about TRICK ‘R TREAT 2, and a recommendation for a cool social media VHS account you all need to check out.  So put on your masks and find your cozy spot, while you take in this week’s enlightening episode of What Lurks Behind Podcast Zero.  No brain cells were harmed during the recording of this podcast.

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