Do you like ghosts, heavy metal music and Halloween? Well if so, you're going to just love this week's episode. From Studio Zero and the Next Level Network, Postmortem Paul "back-masks" in time to an era of hair metal, high school drama and censorship. Please enjoy this entry in the Podcast Zero catalogue, as 1986's TRICK OR TREAT is reviewed. Also, rumors circulating about the 2020 CANDYMAN movie, a mini review about the movie HAUNT, quick thoughts on the first episode of the new streaming series CREEPSHOW, comments about Jackie Earle Haley's 'Freddy Kruger', and a recommendation for the streaming app every horror fan should subscribe to; all here on this 57th episode of What Lurks Behind Podcast Zero. Disclaimer: don't play this episode backwards. It won't resurrect any demon ghosts. It will just give you a really bad headache.