Discover the divine history of the Virgin Mary and why she truly is the Mother of God. From Marian apparitions to her controversial role in the early Church, join Campbell in revealing the last goddess still standing in Western religion.

Show notes References and Resources:

Correction - The Roman Emperor Theodosius outlawed pagan worship in 381AD. 

If you wish to learn more about Mary's divine roots, we recommend the following books and authors.

Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth and the Cult of the Virgin Mary by Marina Warner,

Her Share of the Blessings: Women's Religion Among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman World by Ross Shepard Kramer,

The Myth of the Goddess by Anne Baring and Jules Cashford, 

A.D. 381: Heretics, Pagans, and the Dawn of the Monotheistic State by Charles Freeman, and his other work The Closing of the Western Mind,

The Stolen Light of Women by C.C. Campbell

The History Channel program Bible Secrets Revealed, episode: 'Sex and the Scriptures'.


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