In this double length special, explore the connections between death and the soul, learn how the butterfly may be proof of the survival of consciousness after death, and experience a life changing piece of advice for welcoming back the souls of the departed.

Information References and Resources:

In this episode discussing the Soul, Death, and the survival of consciousness, reference is made to the scientific discoveries of the biological processes that turn a caterpillar to a butterfly. We recommend reading this article in Scientific American which details the process, available online here at

An online journal is available to the public with a downloadable PDF of the Georgetown University study on the survival of caterpillar memories in the adult butterfly/moth here at

Curious about C.C. Campbell's reference on the history of how the meaning of the word 'gay' has changed through the centuries? You can find that here at

To learn more about how the phrase 'Kingdom of Heaven' has altered through the millennia, please take Campbell's advice and look into reading her book The Stolen Light of Women, available in ebook through Amazon, and in print through Amazon, Barnes and, and your local independent bookstore.

Your host has been C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women. You can learn more about her at

What Lies Beyond is copyrighted and produced by Anu Esoteric Media.