Your Deceptive Brain and the Illusion of Free Choice with Robert L. Taylor, MD

Aired Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

There is a famous saying taken from the poem “Invictus” penned by the Victorian era poet William Ernest Henley, which ends with the lines:

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

Few would disagree with that. From the moment we are born, we are hard wired to believe that we have free will… we are in control of the decisions we make and the actions we take. But according to today’s guest, neurobehavioral science is sending us an expecting message: We are not whom we seem to be. Not even close. And at the heart of this misperception is our deep-seated conviction of free choice.

Robert L. Taylor, M.D., is a former Associate Clinical Professor of family medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, and a past consultant to the United States secret service, and the California department of mental health. The executive producer, writer and radio voice for the PBS radio series, “Staying Well,” Robert L. Taylor has authored six books, dozens of articles, and appeared on numerous local and national radio & tv shows including NBC’s Today show.

Robert L. Taylor joins Sandie this week to discuss his latest book The Deceptive Brain – Blame, Punishment, and the Illusion of Choice, in which, based on emerging neurobehavioral science, he makes the case for human experience as a narrative illusion created by our brain, and explains what this means for the way we make decisions, and the way we blame and punish wrongdoers.

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