Remembering Dr. Hank Wesselman with Jill Kuykendall

Aired Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

On February 15th 2021 as the world was still struggling to navigate its way through a catastrophic pandemic, research paleoanthropologist, shamanic practitioner, and best-selling author Dr Hank Wesselman left this planet. A prominent voice for renewing our relationship with nature, remembering what we once knew, reawakening to spiritual reality, and reclaiming the sense of connection and hope that gives meaning to our lives, Hank Wesselman was the author of nine powerful books on shamanism––including his critically acclaimed Spiritwalker trilogy, the award-winning Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation (with Sandra Ingerman), The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman, and The Re-Enchantment: A Shamanic Path to a Life of Wonder.

Today, as we approach the first anniversary of Hank Wesselman’s passing, his wife, partner, and fellow shamanic practitioner, Jill Kuykendall joins Sandie for a special show dedicated to remembering and celebrating the life of a respected cutting edge scientist who became a spiritwalker, a wayshower, a weaver of worlds, a reshaper of realities, and a teacher whose legacy will live on for many years to come.

Jill Kuykendall Jill has degrees from UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco medical school and worked in the medical world as a physical therapist for 20 years, while including complimentary traditional healing techniques into her private practice. She married Hank Wesselman in 1979. In 1996, Jill and Hank met the revered Hawaiian elder, Hale Makua, who brought them into a greater awareness of what was unfolding for them and their service in the world. Jill participated in co-teaching and group coordinating many of his travel and teaching events at Esalen Institute, Omega Institute, and Breitenbush Hot Springs Retreat Center, and co-wrote their book Spirit Medicine: Healing in the Sacred Realms. Her profession changed to Soul Retrieval, a shamanic healing practice that is many thousand years old, and still helpful in modern times. Following Hank’s passing she “refreshed” their website to memorialize Hank and rekindle her participation in fulfilling the purpose of SharedWisdom LLC by continuing to create content and future teaching opportunities.

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