The Afterlife Frequency – Scientific Proof of Afterlife Contact with Mark Anthony, JD The Psychic Lawyer

Aired Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

Stories of spirit communication, Near Death Experiences, and death bed visions have always been a part of the human experience. With so many books and TV programs focusing on this arena of late, one might expect that such experiences are now an accepted fact. But still, there are those who find it hard to believe in an afterlife let alone that anyone can communicate with dead people. But listen to this week’s show with Mark Anthony, JD, AKA The Psychic Lawyer, and you just might change your mind.

Mark Anthony, JD ––the psychic lawyer––is a world-renowned 4th-generation, science-based, evidential psychic medium who communicates with spirits. A legal analyst and frequent speaker at international conferences, Universities and a favorite guest on TV and radio shows, Mark Anthony is the author of the ground-breaking and critically acclaimed spiritual bestsellers Evidence of Eternity, Never Letting Go, and The Afterlife Frequency: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life, which bridges the divide between faith and science with a fascinating afterlife exploration that combines physics, neuroscience, and riveting true stories.

Mark Anthony, JD, the Psychic Explorer®, (the Psychic Lawyer®) is an Oxford-educated attorney, a nationally recognized legal analyst, and one of the prominent world creators and celebrities featured by He co-hosts The Psychic & The Doc on Transformation Network, and is a regular columnist for Best Holistic Life magazine.

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