Aired Thursday, 23 June 2016, 7:00 PM ET

A few years ago, writer Courtney A. Walsh posted a meme on Facebook… The first words were “Dear Human.” It went viral and has been seen more than 20 million times. It’s been called a love letter, a manifesto, a poem, a battle cry, and it has literally been shared and commented on by millions of people around the world. Shared by Elizabeth Gilbert, tweeted by a Khloe Kardashian, read in yoga classes, pinned in cubicles across the globe, used in wedding vows, discussed in radio interviews, featured on blogs, and translated into several different languages.

In this episode, Courtney A Walsh joins Sandie to discuss her refreshingly candid, hilarious and insightful follow-up book Dear Human, A Manifesto of Love, Invitation and Invocation to Humanity, in which she blows up old programs and conditioned ways of thinking and asks us to embrace our glorious messiness, to love to the best of our ability, to continue to learn and grow, to be willing to show up AND get out of the way.

About the Guest Courtney A Walsh

COURTNEY A WALSH is a social media rockstar and metaphysical humor author, internationally renowned speaker and writer of the “Dear Human” viral media meme that has now been shared with over 20 million people including on Deepak Chopra’s website and Elizabeth Gilbert’s pages as well as retweeted by Khloe Kardashian and radio personality Delilah.