5 Steps to Creating an Enchanted World with Monte Farber And Amy Zerner

Aired Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST

As children, we all dream of living in an enchanted world…and then we grow up…Overtaken by the demands and distractions of life in the 3D world we dismiss magic, miracles, and enchantment as existing only in fairy tales.

But is that true?

Not according to today’s guests who, despite the trials and tribulations of living in an increasingly challenging era have between them created an enchanted world that allows them to fulfill not just their own dreams and desires, but also those of millions of people around the world.

Monte Farber is a philosopher psychic, tarot scholar, musician, prolific author, self-help guide, and astrological counselor to numerous celebrities and business titans. His wife, Amy Zerner, is a visionary artist, illustrator, fashion, book, and oracle designer. Together, they have created numerous books and oracles that have helped millions answer questions, find deeper meaning, and follow their spiritual paths.

Monte Faber and Amy Zerner join Sandie this week to talk about how they created and sustain their enchanted world which blends astrology, goddesses, oracles & divination system with stunning visionary design, art couture fashion, and their many internationally best-selling books, oracles, DVD’s, CDs, and more. And they also share the secrets of how YOU can create your own enchanted world too.

Connect with them at https://www.amyzerner.net/ | https://www.theenchantedworld.net/ | https://www.montefarber.com/

Visit the What Is Going OM show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/what-is-going-om

Connect with Sandie Sedgbeer at https://www.sedgbeer.com

#MonteFarber #AmyZerner #WhatIsGoingOM #SandieSedgbeer #Lifestyle