Having courageous conversations with a trusting person, or trusting yourself enough to share when you have been hurt, or wronged in some way, makes vulnerability a strength, not a weakness. Relationship building begins with the courage to be vulnable, open, honest and at peace with yourself.  Please join the coversation as Mary and Faye discuss the subject of being vulnerable.

Mary is an international radio talk show host, author of the popular book “A Pocket Full of Prayers – A Heart Full of Hope” and a faith based intuitive.  For over 20 years, Mary has shared her intuitive guidance with clients from all over the world and from all walks of life. Mary’s book is available on Amazon.


Faye is a transformational healer, spiritual minister, vibrational artist channel and a true sacred listener. Faye founded her own company A Kneaded Escape to give her clients a well-balanced life of peace, joy, and contentment.


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