In this episode the sisters discuss the impact of Covid on the arts and live events.  What does the other side look like?  Who are the best new artists you've found while quarantined?  

You can't silence an artist as an artist will create art even in her silence.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness month.  Please do something for yourself.  Self care isn't selfish, it's essential.  You are not as alone as you feel.  That is the depression lying to you.  We care about each and every one of you and if you need us to believe in you until you can believe in yourself...that's okay too.  If you know somebody who needs help or you do yourself, PLEASE check out these resources. 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline



National Alliance on Mental Illness

1-800-950-NAMI (6264) (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

If you like this episode, check out our new Midnight Edition!

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