In June of 1984, Jimmie Turner was shot and murdered outside of his home. Two men were ultimately arrested and charged with aggravated 1st-degree murder. One was acquitted within a month of going to trial. The other would spend over a decade on death row.

That man was Benjamin Harris, III.

Benjamin was a man with a very troubled past and clear signs of mental health issues. However, throughout his trial and his sentencing, the courts, his attorney, and the state failed to act on his behalf to assure he was justly convicted.

Join us for our season 4 opening episode as we take a look at a case that should leave you questioning our justice system and how they work with the mental health community.

We want to make sure that anyone who needs mental health help can get it. If you or a loved one are in need of resources, here are ways to find them in your area.

Online at: or at:

By phone: Text “Hello” to 741741 or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for suicide-related concerns

And 1-800-662-HELP (4357) for substance abuse or mental health issues

Great website for Information on the Death Penalty and cases

National Registry of Exonerations

1986 Appeal

1990 Appeal

Federal Circuit Appeal

Freed but...not

The state of Washington is still on their bullshit

Legal terms researched