Tired of the way big media covers environmental and agricultural issues? There’s a pure voice amidst the noise in FERN, The Food & Environment Reporting Network, Inc. Tune in as Katy Keiffer is joined by Sam Fromartz, author of In Search of the Perfet Loaf and Editor in Chief of FERN for a conversation on media, journalism and integrity. They also discuss the upcoming event, FERN Talks & Eats, which will cook up their written reports as dynamic, interactive storytelling. FERN is an independent, non-profit news organization that produces investigative reporting on food, agriculture, and environmental health. Their stories fall under the classic mandate of investigative reporting-to reveal corruption, abuse of power, and exploitation wherever it happens; to expose activities and subjects that the powerful work to keep hidden or which are simply overlooked by major media; and to give a voice to the voiceless. This program was brought to you by Heritage Foods USA.

“Bread is my attempt to keep my sanity as a journalist.” [30:00]

–Sam Fromartz on What Doesn’t Kill You