Ah yes, driving with your dad. The first in a series of fun times with parents of the 60's and 70's. My dad was a great guy. He would do anything for anybody. My Mom was that way too but their parenting skills were from the 18th century. My dad was ex-marine and believed that the rod was the most effective way to keep a kid in line. He didn't really use a rod, but his hand was like cement. My mom on the other hand had a yelling voice that could shatter glass and was like Clint Eastwood with a slipper or wooden spoon. Wooden spoons hurt almost as much as my dad's hand. She had her moments let me tell you. 
They raised kids using the methods my grandparents taught them. I was determined to stop that cycle and change things. After raising 4 fantastic kids, all with degrees and good jobs, and none of them giving me any serious problems I can honestly say that I win.