We asked comedian Zachary Joseph to explain wrestling to us, and WOW did they deliver! Using the 2002 "Hollywood Hulk Hogan VS The Rock" fight as a jumping point, this episode unravels into a deep dive into the world of professional wrestling, where catchphrases run wild, giants serve looks, bad guys become good guys (and vice versa). Can you smell what we're cooking, jabronis?

For more Zachary Joseph, follow them on Instagram: @zacharyjosephsaysjokes
Or subscribe to their hilarious Youtube channel Grapple Button, where they play wrestling video games with another very funny comedian, Matt Basky.


Zach has also, since this episode, started their OWN podcast, where they explain wrestling to neophytes such as myself. It's called "None of my Friends Watch Wrestling", check it out: https://bit.ly/2OhIoCQ


NSFW (Mild Swearing).  

Music by The Castagne's : http://www.thecastagnes.ca.  

What Did I Miss? is a podcast where guests introduce TV shows and movies from their childhood to a host who has never seen them before.  

French Canadian expat MJ Bourque asks her guests to introduce her to the movies and TV shows of their childhood so she can catch up on the cultural references she missed out on growing up in another language.  

Every episode we recap the plot of the media in question, dive into some pieces of trivia, and learn a bit more about the guests themselves.  

Follow What Did I Miss? on social media for news and pictures of what is referenced in the episode: Facebook Instagram - Twitter   

***Although unrelated to the content of the podcast, we would like to use whatever platform we have to remind people that Chantel Moore's killer have still not been arrested.  

Learn more at: https://idlenomore.ca/justice-for-chantel-moore/***

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