You’re listening to Danny, on WHAT : DE HEK podcast. This is the place where I share my experience, knowledge and skills.

Transcribed by Otter

Danny de Hek 0:00
Welcome along with Lance Hastie, he’s going to be asked 12 random questions by WHAT : DE HEK Podcasts. So we’re going to get straight into it before you wonder who this guy is, I think you’ve just been out running, is it correct?

Lance Hastie 0:16
And no, just come off a job site, we’re just putting some smart labels on our smart nuits units. I’ve just taken a bit of time out in the afternoon

Danny de Hek 0:25
Right? You’re a bit of a runner. So you do look like you could actually be in your running gear, because I know ya.

Lance Hastie 0:31
I got caught out, then I did go for a run this morning.

Danny de Hek 0:33
Well there you go, I have been doing a bit of running myself lately. But it’s a different story. And I’m not here to interview myself. I’m here to interview you. So let’s go. Got the 12 questions. I’ve shuffled. I’ve got 107 questions, and I go through and I shuffle them. And we did have a bit of committee to decide what hundred we got to 107 questions would be good as people who come along on a podcast, and I’ve just picked out 12 of them. And I don’t even know if they’re myself. Hopefully they’re not too personal. Let’s see what happens. What kind of impact do you believe you have on people? Who are the heavy one straightaway?

Lance Hastie 1:13
A calming impact. I tend to diffuse people in calm them down.

Danny de Hek 1:19
Right? Have you tried that with myself,

Lance Hastie 1:23
I would actually say yes.

Danny de Hek 1:28
Excellent. So you had a calming effect on people?

Lance Hastie 1:30
Yes, I can team just to pull and chil them out.

Danny de Hek 1:36
Right, right today, because this will be listened to probably tomorrow. But let’s say she election a day in America at the moment. If you were going to calm the candidates down? What sort of words of advice would you give them?

Lance Hastie 1:50
Start with petrol and a match?

Danny de Hek 1:53
I know, imagine, I just found out today, I don’t know how this works. And you might know better than me. But basically, the one that gets the most votes doesn’t necessarily win the election.

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