It's Family Time!
This week we were introduced to two extraordinarily trippy, mysterious families in WandaVision and Servant.
But first.Congratulations U.S.A.!!! By the time you listen to this week's episode, our long national nightmare will be over! And though it may take us years to clean up the mess, we have hope, the audacity of hope.
Yes, you read that right. Travis and Elaine dipped our toes into the Marvel Universe! And the water was warm!! Of course, we soon found out that WandaVision is a complete departure from anything Marvel had done before. So?? All we know is that so far, we love it!
We won't go into the multiple Easter Eggs that link back to Marvel. Even we know the "Stark" brand is a callback to Ironman etc etc. But, we did love some of the cool little bits from the classic TV that WandaVision is built around.

In episode 1
We loved the nod to the famous (3) The Dick Van Dyke Show openings. Here's a video (on our website) where Rob Petrie (Dick Van Dyke) falls, sidesteps, and then sidesteps and trips over the ottoman.
In episode 2
This time around, WandaVision revisits the classic Bewitched!
Here is the pilot episode of the original. We set it to cartoon Samantha, flying. (on our website)
At the end of WandaVision episode 2, the show goes from black and white to color. In 1966, after 2 seasons in black and white, Bewitched (and nearly everything else on TV) went to "Living Color!"
But, what really got us was the dark undertones. The feelings of dread. The Truman Show style pullback at the end of the episodes. If we're lucky, WandaVision will wind up in the realm of David Lynch's Blue Velvet suburbia rather than homage or, worse, a retread of the classic sitcoms. We feel a dark vibe even in the first two episodes and the trailer(s) back it up. We have our fingers crossed for WandaVisio
We got lucky with this one. And by lucky, I mean we never heard of it until this week when it launched season 2. And even luckier that so far it has us hooked!
There are so many twists and turns in this one that we didn't want to spoil any little thing.
Let's talk about the cast. We're thrilled to see Lauren Ambrose as meaty a role as Dorothy. She's gone through a long spate of back luck (Torchwood, The X-Files reboot.) We loved her so much in Six Feet Under. We hope to see A LOT more of her moving forward.
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