Note - this episode was recorded before we got our new sound equipment. If we mention anything current... it probably isn't so current anymore!

In this episode, we talk about the movies we saw as kids that made us the odd couple we are today.
In our opinion, most, if not all, of these films, are suitable for your kids, at whatever age you think is appropriate. As kids, our viewing was never controlled or censored, and we believe that's a good thing, but you know your kids best.

Our Lists


The Day The Earth Stood Still

Invaders From Mars

Blackboard Jungle

A Hard Days Night

Double Indemnity


Adam's Rib

The Seven Year Itch


Angels With Dirty Faces

The Wizard Of Oz


Mary Poppins

A Face In The Crowd

The Grapes Of Wrath


The Wolf Man

To Kill A Mockingbird

The Great Escape

Stalag 17

The Boy With Green Hair

We could have added so many more...

And maybe we will. But these are a good representation of movies we saw before our teenage years that really made an impact and that we still enjoy today, We'd love to hear yours! Hit us up on social media with your childhood favorites and we'll reply!