Who doesn't want to take great photos of their trip to Vietnam??
If you are keen to visit Vietnam, chances are you have already seen some amazing pictures. I know myself, the pictures had me inspired from the start. The scenery is often breathtaking, and the people are gorgeous. One of the things you will learn to love about your visit to Vietnam is that the people are super friendly, and very welcoming. However, taking photos of them is an art, and one my guest today will explain to us, as his speciality, and love, is people photography.
In this episode, you will meet Etienne Bossot a French professional photographer living in Hoi An, who makes the art of travel photography his business.
Etienne shares with us his local knowledge gathered over 8 years of living in Hoi An and his best tips for taking great photos. Folks, we are getting FREE tips from the master as he takes us around this fascinating country.

Stay tuned for his "Top 5 photography locations in Vietnam" These are the places to go, to get those amazing photos. your friends and family will be drooling over and wishing they were with you!

If you are a professional photographer or like many of us, a rogue amateur, you will love this episode.

Find out more about Etienne and his tours, by popping over to his website here at https://www.picsofasia.com/ or https://www.hoianphototour.com/

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Check out our website for further Traveller information, Tours, Tips, Hints and Experiences to consider. www.whataboutvietnam.com

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