Betrayal is something almost everyone experiences...

“The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.”

Mark 14:21


A Hunger To Help His Betrayers

Daily Devotion – March 28, 2024

Devotion based on Mark 14:21

See series: Devotions

In Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, the title character speaks the words “Et tu, Brute,” a Latin phrase that means, “You too, Brutus?” just moments before his death, when he recognizes his friend Brutus as one of those involved in the assassination.

While few of us can claim to have a friend plotting to kill us, betrayal is something almost everyone experiences. When someone we love and trust says or does something to hurt us, the wounds can be deep and lasting, maybe never really healing. If somehow you knew that someone would betray you, wouldn’t you distance yourself from that person if you could? Nobody wants to be hurt like that.

For centuries, prophets sent by God wrote and spoke about Jesus. They described his life and saving work in vivid detail. That life would end with betrayal, torment, abuse, and excruciating death. On the night he would be betrayed and handed over to those who would do their worst with him, Jesus said, “The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man!”

He was not caught by surprise. As the eternal Son of God, Jesus knew exactly what was coming. He knew that one of his closest friends would satisfy his appetite for money and power by betraying his friend, teacher, and Savior. But Jesus didn’t avoid the situation.

That night and the following day, Jesus would satisfy an appetite that he had, too. He would satisfy his appetite to show love and mercy not only to his betrayer but to every one of us who betray him every time we disobey God’s law. In unimaginable love, Jesus endured unspeakable injustice and abuse to win forgiveness and eternal life for his abusers and his betrayers, for you and me.

Because of his unshakable love and determination to save us, our longing to be close to God and enjoy an eternal relationship with him is fully satisfied.



Dearest Jesus, I hunger for your mercy, and in you, I am fully satisfied. Thanks and praise! Amen.


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