Okay, seriously, what the hell--apparently Reince Priebus (former Trump Chief of Staff) has joined the Navy as an O-1… at age 47. We’re confused, but hey, there’s time enough to give him a red belly. Read that story here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/former-trump-chief-of-staff-reince-priebus-joins-the-navy/2019/06/10/20174f2a-8bbf-11e9-8f69-a2795fca3343_story.html?utm_term=.0d8e5712f012

We also discuss the story of the Naval War College’s Commandant, a Navy Rear Admiral with a penchant for day-drinking margaritas. Is this fraud, waste, and abuse? Or is it just this guy being a badass? You decide: https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/06/07/a-navy-admiral-under-investigation-for-free-hugs-twister-games-and-a-margarita-machine-in-his-office/

Did you know that, on average, troops’ hearts are in worse shape than those of civilians? Must be all those 36-oz Monsters: https://newsroom.heart.org/news/u-s-soldiers-have-worse-heart-health-than-civilians

Also, apparently Mitch McConnell wants to ban the sale of tobacco to troops under 21. Weird flex for a haunted turtle from Dimension X, but okay: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/05/20/younger-troops-would-be-barred-from-buying-tobacco-products-under-new-plan/

This week’s Patreon bonus features Francis talking Star Trek with Riley Dosh (@Ms_Riley_Guprz). Why is Seven of Nine doctrinally transgender? Why are the Ferengi never going to get on board with socialism? Why do Klingons’ heads keep changing? Find out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27510911

Also remember that our first zine issue will be forthcoming soon. Sign up on the Patreon at the $10 tier to get a paper copy.

We have a YouTube channel now -- subscribe here and get sweet videos from us in which we yell in our cars like true veterans: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwlHZpNTz-h6aTeQiJrEDKw

We have a new t-shirt out — get some anarchist agriculture in your life! Buy it here: https://teespring.com/new-anarchist-agricultural#pid=387&cid=101810&sid=front

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Follow Francis here: @ArmyStrang

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