This week on After Hours, Rick is in studio with musicians Carlo Basile, Ronnie Malley, Sara Ranganathan and Larissa Rolley along with Acorn Theater owner David Fink to talk about their incredible and unique performances. Then, Keri Johnsrud discusses her tribute with “The Music of Fred Rogers" concerts. Finally, St. Josephinum school president Patti Toomey closes out the show telling us how intense it is to get into acceptable schools.

This week on After Hours, Rick is in studio with musicians Carlo Basile, Ronnie Malley, Sara Ranganathan and Larissa Rolley along with Acorn Theater owner David Fink to talk about their incredible and unique performances. Then, Keri Johnsrud discusses her tribute with “The Music of Fred Rogers” concerts. Finally, St. Josephinum school president Patti Toomey closes out the show telling us how intense it is to get into acceptable schools.
