Anna Davalntes Full Show for Thursday, February 13th: Today the Chicago Police Department held a memorial for slain Cmdr. Paul Bauer, who was shot and killed on duty in the Loop two years ago today. (At 1:34) Joe Ahern, CEO of The 100 Club, speaks with Anna about the loss of Cmdr. Paul Bauer. (At 5:19) […]

Anna Davalntes Full Show for Thursday, February 13th:

Today the Chicago Police Department held a memorial for slain Cmdr. Paul Bauer, who was shot and killed on duty in the Loop two years ago today. (At 1:34) Joe Ahern, CEO of The 100 Club, speaks with Anna about the loss of Cmdr. Paul Bauer. (At 5:19) Chicago Tribune investigative reporter David Jackson joins the program to discuss his latest article: Bail reform analysis by Cook County chief judge based on flawed data, undercounts new murder charges. (At 16:54) Charles “Stretch” Ledford, Associate Professor of Journalism at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign chats with Anna about the impact of the coronavirus and how it is affecting students who attend the university. (At 29:16) Florence Hardy from ReJuve Rejuvenation Suites joins Anna in-studio to talk about her nap lounge at Block 37! (At 39:39) Legal analyst Karen Conti talks about the case against Jussie Smollett and other breaking legal news. (At 48:26) Plus, Jonathan Lowy, lead counsel for Brady Legal, talks about the lawsuit filed on Wednesday by the widow of fallen Chicago Police Cmdr. Paul Bauer against an online gun site that facilitated the sale of the gun utilized to kill her husband. (At 58:33) Noted pet expert Steve Dale chimes in for pet talk!


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