mike, nappier and drunk discuss the following topics...........

drunk's grape soda..........

shameless underwear (http://img1.targetimg1.com/wcsstore/TargetSAS//img/p/14/22/14222530_121011143000.jpg)

teen mom's pornography film............

donkey ball.........

squarehead kids, can i miss you?

paul's glorious nipples.........

dr. nappier questions from @roacendar/@marshallush/@ultimateanchor

lisa is a slut mcintire........ (thanks to matt leroy and his wife, melanie for helping us out with this one. hear them on vampcast coming soon to thursdays on radiofubar.com after the lotuscast)

werewolvalanche.........seltzer man.........

calintebe and the olympics..........

hollywood fantasy league..........
